First idea for a White Light Orchestra logo - summoning the 40's vibe


Brian T. said...

hey mate.. g'day, a bit of history bout White Light from the other side of the globe...I lived in AUS in 1986.... White Light Orchestra, including well-known Aussies, David Herschfelder, Dave Herzog and Producer Dave Douglas, recorded "Halley's Comet 1986 CIRCA 2061" at Fast Forward Recorders, Melbourne. October 1985-January 1986 to celebrate the coming of the comet.... the songs "Look Up" and "Der Kommett" had decent radio play. Halley is the only short-period comet that is clearly visible to the naked eye from Earth, and thus the only naked-eye comet that might appear twice in a human lifetime. Other naked-eye comets may be brighter and more spectacular, but will appear only once in thousands of years. Try to find an album.... My mother Arzella Kay and I, sold a ton of them there in AUS...I still got mine. PEACE and NAMASTE, from Nashville, TN. Music City USA...

Brian T. Henderson

trancepedant said...

Fast Forward was a beautiful studio in Warrenwood, run by friendly people, with a large timber-lined irregular room looking out on to a lush bush gully an hour outside Melbourne. Many familiar names among the dozens of collaborators listed, including two lovers who have passed on. This was always a muddled project with lofty 1980's New Age ideals unmatched by decision-making behind the scenes and in the booth. Way too much material was mixed down to a presentable form by John French, but the end product cannot disguise its history. The comet came, was universally panned as a fizzer (too far away that time in 1986) and left our solar system again. The project finished, somewhat amazingly, everyone wandered off, and it sunk without a trace.
Malcolm Hiort trancepedant@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

Hmm....featured for 2mins on Countdown with Molly giving it a big push. Featured on Young Talent Time by a young lass called Tina. Write ups in Sydney, Melbourne national newspapers, plus various music magazines hardly constitutes disappearing without a trace. The classical piece that was also recorded by Ross Cockle and mixed by John French and Dave Douglas was used all around the country especially by the ABC as a theme when the news was about Halley's Comet. Yes the production, as many do that were a 'group' management had a lot of production challenges, the least of which was coordinating over 60 performers, writers and recording personnel. However as you rightly say. It got finished. Sold nearly 10,000 copies and will be seen by others in 76 years time as it is in the National Film and Sound Archives

Anonymous said...

Oh yes, also was the window feature in Brashes music store for a week as Album of the Week. 🙂

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know what became of Dave Douglas and a wonderful woman named Karen Withers?

Anonymous said...

I am Dave Douglas. I was the producer of this album and worked with John French at Fast Forward for a lot of months getting it all together. Karen went into the spa selling business and I don't know where she ended up. Myself, I moved on into my own studios and am still producing and mixing today. John French was the greatest teacher I ever had. In the time I was with him I learned everything I still use in my work today.